Tuesday, September 16, 2008

As I was applying for my absentee ballot.... BOOM!

Today I ran into a guy (British) who was attempting to register American students abroad to vote (I should add that his attempts were quite successful). So I began to fill out all my stuff and he had all the additional information specific to the state I'm registered in. He asked me which state and I said, "Missouri." The girl who had just finished registering heard me and asked me what part. I always respond, "the southwest corner" when people ask this question because normally they think I might be from St. Louis - pretty much the only city remotely familiar to non-Missouri residents. Then she asks me what town specifically and I say Joplin. BOOM! BAM! POW! Not only did this girl LIVE in Joplin for 5 years, she graduated from College Heights (College Heights, really?! that's just down the street from TJ - HOLY CRAP!) and knows my sister and half the other people I went to school with!!! WHOA! I mean, what are the odds of running into someone from Joplin who is also studying abroad in Edinburgh??? PRETTY MUCH ZERO! I honestly cannot believe it and I'm still in total shock. Obviously we exchanged phone numbers. Who'da thunk it? I just had to tell you all about this totally random and crazy encounter that I am super stoked about!

NOTE: Her name is Kaitlin and, being the stalkerish facebook fanatic I am, I know she is friends with about 15 of my facebook friends.


BoozingCactus said...

ooo...small world! like meeting those people who know claremont in greece. weird.

ps...independence is also a very well known city in missouri (thanks oregon trail!)

Mollie said...

That's so crazy! Yay for absentee voting bringing people together. And Obama is ahead in the polls again. Woohoo!

P.S. I had a raspberry oc in your honor yesterday, but they had no straws in the motley so I had to awkwardly slurp it out of the cup during my anatomy class...

soso said...

YAY for absentee ballots and americans!!