Wednesday: Nothing much really happened during the day besides me going to lecture. That night three girls and myself decided to have a "haggis experience" (this is the term we have dubbed to that epic night). The haggis was surprisingly good and came with traditional tatties and neaps (that is mashed potatoes and turnips). It kind of tasted like meatloaf. We had been informed that if we finished a whole plate of haggis, tatties and neaps we would have Scottish accents. To our dismay, this was not the case. After this epic meal, we decided we could all do with a drink and bought large quantities of cider and wine (which we polished off fairly quickly). Slightly inebriated, we then made our way to Vodka Revolution - a trendy club near my friend's flat. We stayed for a bit but were informed that a better shindig was going on at Lava Ignite (known as "Cav" by the locals). So we caught a cab there and enjoyed the fabulous music, dancing and awkward British people. Finally, we left the club only to discover that we had no idea where we were (because we had taken a cab to get there). Instead of getting a cab, which would have been practical and smart, we walked about a mile trying to figure out what was going on (I should note that shortly after leaving the club I removed my painful new boots and walked in my socks which are now disgustingly dirty). It soon became apparent that we were REALLY far from our respective homes and hailing a cab was a must.
Thursday & Friday: I went to my one lecture Thursday during the day. I also went out these two nights but not a whole lot happened (at least nothing of the proportions from Wednesday night) aside from the fact that I didn't get back to my dorm until almost 4 am. Thank God I didn't have class the next day(s).
Saturday: I slept most of the day and recovered from the previous nights of having very little sleep. Three girls and myself (all the same girls from Wednesday except one) went out to dinner at the famous The World's End (a pub and bar). It is famous because the furthest part of the wall around the city (built sometime in the 1500s I think) reached this bar and, according to the back of the menu, "as far as the people of Edinburgh were concerned, this was the world's end." Hence, the name. Click here for the best pictures and review of this fabulous place. We then made our way to The Tron which is more like a bar than a pub and has 3 levels! There was a spectacular local band playing called "White Heath" but all the band members looked like they were between the ages of 14 and 17. However, they were all drinking so I guess they are all actually 18 or older... hmm. They mostly played "alternative rock" or something along that line. On our way down to the lower bar I completely embarrassed myself. So, I make it through the door and I'm automatically distracted by a cute British boy standing near the bar. Unfortunately, because my attention was entirely directed towards the cute boy, I neglected to see the two steps in front of me (I think you know where this is going). I proceeded to almost face-plant in the middle of the bar and yet another cute boy sees this and asks, "God! Are you alright?!" I tried to look really nonchalant and cool by getting up quickly, leaning against one of the unoccupied tables and sweeping my hair out of my mouth and face. I'm pretty sure I failed miserably. It was another late night because I went back to my friend's flat and we talked until almost 5am.
Sunday: Sleep and homework. I also took a break and went to a screening of the vice presidential debate. How many times can Sarah Palin say "maverick" in one minute? I can't believe she winked (3 times!) and gave a "shout-out" to those third graders. What is this world coming to?
Monday & Tuesday: These are my most jammed packed days academically. On both days I have two classes and one tutorial (which is like a discussion group for the lectures). My tutorials went well and its safe to say that American History is my favorite class. I like all of the people in that discussion group and they all seem quite smart. The same is not that true for my Criminology course but I have feeling a lot of it may have to do with our discussion leader (who, by the way, wore a lime green dress and leopard print leggings today! So fabulous!). Today (Tuesday) we had our Butler Reunion Dinner which was for all the American study abroad kids from the Butler program. We got free, decent Italian food so I loved it. I also got my absentee ballot! I just voted in my first presidential election! So exciting!
Overall, a lot has happened. Well, now that I say that not a lot has happened. I mean, nothing really substantial, life-altering or incredible has happened but its definitely been fun! This weekend I am going to Inverness and the Highlands where Loch Ness is! Did you know that if you get a picture of Nessie (the Loch Ness monster) the scientists studying the loch will give you 250,000 pounds (that's almost half a million dollars)? If I do get that picture I'll give one copy to the scientists for that half a million and then I'll sell another picture to the highest media bidder for 10 times that amount. I leave you with some pictures from the past week.
I ALMOST FORGOT! Grandma - I am so excited that you read my blog! Your comment made my day. I think you and my friend from school (who will remain unnamed) are my most loyal followers! I love and miss you all.
hello! i am one of those young looking musicians in "white heath". we have a myspace page at it has some songs up and future gig dates so do check it out. we are all in fact 21 so i guess your comments are quite flattering! if you are still in edinburgh, we play every saturday night so come down again if you have nothing to do, if not, then have fun while your in britain!
Haha. That's kind of nifty.
PS: I'm glad you're having a good time. One of us needs to be.
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