We must pause from the debriefing of freshers week thus far to talk about the outrageous amount of walking we have to do on a daily basis. Firstly, no matter where a student lives, that accommodation is ridiculously far away from any of the events/academic buildings/student-union areas. I have one of the shorter walks and I'm still a good 30 minutes from the "center" of campus. Campus, by the way, is not one general space or even in one general area of the city. No, "campus" is basically the entire city of Edinburgh. What this all sums up to is that I am walking well over 2 miles a day which will be really nice (because that will be my exercise while I'm here) once my feet stop hurting and my blisters have calloused.
I still have yet to make a non-American friend. But I have only lived here for about 2 and a half days and I have met some British people but I just haven't really made a friend... does that even make sense? Oh, and this is random but it is essential that I address this: Britain may have the worst weather of any place in the world aside from Antarctica (and no one lives there - Britain's actually populated!). It rains a lot and is quite cold; I think my room temperature is just above freezing. I asked a British guy who was behind me in the queue (they don't say "line"): doesn't having little/no sun mean everyone's really depressed? He replied, "Why do you think we drink so much?" Clearly, I'm going to have to "get my drink on" quite a lot if I a) want to stay warm and b) want to survive. That's all for now and I'll leave you with a few pictures from the past few days.
1 comment:
live it up.
if not for you, then most definitely for me.... :)
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